19:49 dies for wet drawing 

For modern extruder machines, that reach high speeds during the process, Vassena has developed a new type of spinneret, able to perform for a longer periods of time at the required higher speeds. Moreover, due to these minor changes the quality of the wire output remains at a higher spec.
On spinneret trail 19.38, which was born to draw dry wire and lasts about four times longer, when compared with a normal spinneret produced by Vassena. The company is now happy to introduce its new version. The 19.49, for the wet drawing of welding wire.It is a new spinneret, that is guaranteed to last three times longer than compared with the standard. For further information, do not hesitate to contact us directly.
Due to the support given by our supplier, and also our extensive experience in the production of dies. We have succeeded in tuning this special spinneret to permit our customers to take a full advantage of performance of their modern productions chain machines. Because of this we suggest these two types of spinneret. One specifically for use in a dry wire drawing and the other wet wire drawing. Due to alterations in the production of the draw pates are able to maintain the function and quality at even highest speeds.