Vassena Drawing dies: open letter


"During the years, we have heard all kind of things about how to get a tool, nay a drawing die, that was together cheap and durable… but unfortunately a so miraculous product has never been found.

Rightly, as my father Giuseppe said, there is no great discovery to revolutionize the system, but it’s the little experiences that allow to enhance day after day, that truly make the difference.
Thanks to his experience there were several innovations in the world of drawing, just think of the cold mounted die, the mechanical wire degreaser, the pressure die, the “L” type die with long cone and more… Ideas and patents that have been adopted and modified by others over time.
Today to talk about pressure system is normal for a young professional, but old wire manufacturers still remember what kind of revolution that was, when considering speed and durability.

This is teaching us to continue to do research on new materials, supported also by our suppliers, on new types of cores, all in order to make these little improvements that allow drawing at high speeds by reducing the number of substitutions of dies, obtaining a wire with low deformations due to the stress of wire drawing.

For this reason some years ago we have developed the type “L” die which enables, thanks to a prolonged conical part, an appropriate material, a geometry studied for every single drawing step, to get those long expected results both on high resistance and on galvanized wire.
Obviously we talk about a die composed of a drawing core which is well dimensioned and firmly and irremovably embedded in a steel case, all to reduce the vibrations and consequently the breakage of the same core and able to withstand the drawing speed and obtain a high final quality with state-of-the-art drawing machines.
The cost of this die, though being higher compared to the one with a small core, gets easily reduced to zero at the end when you consider the tons of highly quality wire you produce and the number of dies you replace.

Soon we will present our newborn product, covered by international patent, a brand new pressure insert designed to increase the lubrication of the wire also at low speeds.

We thank you for the time and thank our customers for the trust they've shown in all these years.
Yours sincerely 
Davide Vassena
